Sunday, January 17, 2016

my autograph picture of E.L.James

Hello. I'm going to be showing you all my autograph picture of E.L.James. She wrote the Fifty Shades trilogies & Grey.  I do hope you'll all enjoy this. How are all you like my autograph pictures so far?  Feel free to drop me a line.  Actually, I got this autograph picture from her a few years ago. I promise to you  more pictures. Until then. Laters.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy 2016 everybody!!!
I know I haven't been on here in a while. I've been  pretty busy with  work & stuff. I promise to be on  here  as much as I can for right now & we'll see how it'll go from here. I'll keep putting up some of my autograph pictures  ( old or new) as  much as I can . Until then, lets make 2016  a great year for all of us. Can we all do that?

Take care,