Thursday, September 14, 2017

Just a few more pictures of my kitty cat.

Hello. I know I just posted a blog on my autograph pictures a while ago. But, I do hope  maybe just a few more pictures of my kitty cat , Sarah will be okay for you all. Enjoy. Please, drop me a line anytime.

Autograph Pics #27

Hey Everybody. I only have 2 autograph pictures  right now. One of Edy Williams who was an actress in the 60's. The other is Sophia Loren. She was in Grumpier Old Men  back in 1995.  I tried to download my other autograph picture, but it's not  working right now. I'll get it later. In the meantime, I do hope that all of you will enjoy these pictures. I would really like to know what you think of them along with my other pics too. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Just finished reading Grey

Well, I finally finished reading the book , Grey by E.L.James. It's took  a long time  though. But, it was worth reading. I really enjoyed it very much.   It was really the version of Christian Grey"s  story of how he & Ana Steele meet & how the rest is all history.  Has anyone else read it?  Well, now that it's done, I do wonder if E.L.James  will come up another Fifty Shades story for her fans to read, etc. All we can do is hope.  Have a great day!!!


Thursday, September 7, 2017

A few more pictures of my kitty cat, Sarah.

Hey everybody. I hope all you enjoyed my blog entry of my kitty cat, Sarah. Well, I have a few more pictures of her  right now. Enjoy. I really do want you all to please  please leave me a comment  on my entries too. No autograph pictures yet. No worries. Have a great day!!!!