Thursday, February 21, 2019

My Autograph picture of Yvonne Lime

 Hello everybody. Today, I show my autograph picture of Yvonne Lime. She was an actress from the 1950's.  I wrote to her a while back  letting her  know that I watched her movie called High School Hellcats(1958) & what I though of it. I got this picture today in the mail.  If she's reading this," Thank you Ms. Lime.". I don't know if any of you out there has ever seen High School Hellcats, but look it up on the internet. It's good.  I hope all of you are enjoying this entry.  Have a wonderful day!!!!


Monday, February 11, 2019

My autograph picture of Carl Reiner

Hello everybody. I though today I show all of you my autograph picture of Carl Reiner.  I got it today in the mail. I wrote to him last month letting him know that I'm a fan of his. I use to watch him on the Dick Van Dyke show & Hot in Cleveland when they were on TVLand.  He also played Gidget's dad in Gidget Goes Hawaiian. I love the Gidget movies. He was in Slums of Beverly Hills too.  If he's reading this blog, " Thank you Mr. Reiner!!!!"  I do hope all of you will enjoy this entry. Check out my other blog entries as well. Have a wonderful day!!!!


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Valentine's Day

Hello everyone.  Valentine's day is almost there.  Which means Valentine's day cards, flowers & chocolates.  Well, I do hope all of you will have a  great Valentine's day! I do have to work that day.  After that, I'll enjoy the rest of my day at home watching old movies with my kitty cat, Sarah. Enjoy!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!