Hello everybody. Sorry, it's been so long. I've been busy. No autograph pictures yet. No worries, I'm sure I'll get some soon . When I do, I'll make sure to put them in the next blog entry. I want to thank you all for reading my latest blog on Thank you notes. No, my cousin still hasn't send a thank you note to my mom & me. I'm very furious at my cousin right now. It's not even funny!!!! Do any of you know how it feels when you send a relative or a friend a card or a gift & they send you a thank you in return? That feels really good, right? I think so. How does it feel when they just don't send you a thank you at all? That feels really hurtful. Am I right? That's how I am feeling right now. If she has any ounce of empathy left in her, she should use it right now to write not only a thank you note , but also an apology too. What do you all think?
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